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August Consulting

August Consulting celebrates International Women’s Day: embrace technology & lead by example

Today, Wednesday 8 March, is International Women’s Day (IWD), and August Consulting is recognising it via three key themes: celebration; perseverance; and hope.

IWD 2023 Theme: Cracking the Code

“UN Women Australia’s International Women’s Day theme for 2023 is Cracking the Code: Innovation for a gender equal future. Based on the priority theme for the United Nations 67th Commission on the Status of Women, Cracking the Code highlights the role that bold, transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and accessible education can play in combatting discrimination and the marginalisation of women globally.

Innovation is a driver of change and by embracing new technologies and championing the unique skills and knowledge of women in science, technology, mathematics, and engineering (STEM), we can accelerate our progress towards a gender equal future.” – UN Women Australia

With technology and data vital to August Consulting, and its female employees and subconsultants playing a key role in the business’ development and success, reflecting on IWD, August Consulting managing director Tracey Shearer says, “I think it is important to:

  • Celebrate – the achievements and contribution women make in the world. For me, that is celebrating running my own business, recognising the journey, hard work, support and determination that has made it a success. And, a big shout-out to my daughter for finishing school and going off to study engineering! Another woman in STEM!

  • Persevere – there is still much discrimination in the world (not just against women), and we need to work together to give everyone the opportunity to education and opportunities in the workplace. This may require trying to address past wrongdoings by providing extra support and encouragement along the way.

  • Have hope – that every year more progress and opportunities are provided to support women in creating their best future, one that acknowledges the various roles we play: as leaders, mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and friends. One of the hardest challenges for me is trying to balance work and home without feeling like you are comprising one for the other. It’s great to see more choice, more flexible working arrangements and support for younger women today.

How can you reflect on IWD today?

Take the time to reflect on your journey, and think about how you’ve got to where you are today. Who have been your role models? Who has given you the support, opportunities or confidence to be the woman you are today?

Show gratitude.

And, more importantly, pay it forward.

You’ll never know the lasting impact you may have on another woman on her journey.

Happy International Women’s Day to our female employees, subconsultants, industry colleagues and clients.

How are you recognising IWD this year?


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